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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态如何做好股权激励的落地运营


发布时间:2023-05-17 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

How to effectively implement equity incentives? The main operational matters of Shandong equity incentive include cost management, tax management, foreign exchange management, and account management. As follows:
1、 Cost management
Popularize a basic concept from the perspective of several tools. The cost or value of options will be a little more complicated, because it will involve the time value and probability factors of future earnings. Options generally have models to calculate the option value of each share, such as BS model and binary tree model.
Financial costs are a very important consideration when formulating incentive plans, as different tools, grant methods, grant prices, unlock times, and constraints can all have an impact on valuation and costs.
Proposed listed companies should fully consider the erosion of share-based payment fees on the profits during the reporting period, such as the cancellation of pre listing rights plans or accelerated exercise, which will have an impact on the confirmation of share-based payment fees. Therefore, it is necessary to consult professional institutions more.
2、 Tax management
Equity incentives involve personal income tax payment, and specific tax policies vary depending on factors such as whether the company is listed and the shareholding entity. You can see the personal income tax rules for two tools of listed companies:
There is no tax on the grant of options, and tax is levied on the exercise. The tax is paid every one, two, or three years. At the time of exercise, the tax rate is applied based on the difference between the market price of the stock at the time of exercise and the exercise price, and income from wages and salaries is taxed. Generally, equity income is relatively large, with a level of 35% to 45%.
Tax is levied on future sales, based on 20% of the income from property transfer. Currently, A-shares are exempt from tax, similar to retail investors not paying tax.
The taxation logic of Restricted stock is similar, with one difference being that the stock market price is based on the average of the market price on the date of registration and the date of lifting the ban.
The tax financing of employee equity incentive income is also a major issue in our project, such as how to reduce personal tax expenses by reducing the tax base, changing the tax payment timing, researching tax locations, and other factors, which has a significant impact on the actual income of incentive recipients.
3、 Foreign exchange management
Enterprises that are listed overseas and have employee equity incentive plans need to register the incentive plan with Document No. 7 within 3 months of listing or new plan release. Document 7 registration is a compliance registration for employees of overseas listed companies in China to obtain overseas profits through corporate equity incentive plans.
The incentive objects need to entrust a domestic agency to handle foreign exchange registration, account opening, fund transfer and exchange through their domestic company, and a foreign agency to handle individual exercise, purchase and sale of corresponding stocks or equity, and corresponding fund transfer. Domestic agencies shall fulfill matters such as initial reporting, annual and quarterly reporting.
The foreign exchange matters involved in the equity incentive plan can be entrusted to professional institutions for management.
4、 Account Management
If the number of employees granted is large, we can consider outsourcing the daily maintenance and operation of equity incentives to some professional service companies, including system initialization, granting employee incentives, online signing of agreements, window exercise transactions, financial and tax report processing, and so on.
Equity incentives have become an important tool for enterprises to attract, motivate, and retain talent, and may even affect the future governance structure of enterprises. A good equity incentive plan should not only consider the current business and talent strategies, but also have a final decision thinking.
Equity incentive is not a simple human resource plan, involving multiple fields such as legal, regulatory, and financial taxation. Therefore, it requires comprehensive consideration, professional design, and effective communication to ensure rationality, legality, and compliance. More relevant equity content can be found on our website http://www.daoshangbao.com Consult!
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