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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态股权退出的适用场景


发布时间:2023-04-26 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/

It is normal for a startup partner to withdraw due to various factors during the break-in period. In order to avoid disputes during the exit process, if the exit situation, exit method, exit price, etc. are agreed in advance, it can effectively reduce the probability of conflicts between all parties and is also conducive to the stable development of the company. Below, Jinan Equity Partnership Company will explain to you the applicable scenarios for equity withdrawal.
(1) Delisting
The withdrawal in this situation mainly refers to the situation where the shareholder has subjective fault and is expelled from the company when a specific event occurs. For example, both parties can agree that if a shareholder experiences any of the following situations, the company has the right to cancel their shareholder status, reclaim their equity for free, and no longer distribute the current year's dividends. If losses are caused to the company, they must compensate the company separately:
① Resigning voluntarily after working for less than x years, resulting in serious impact on the company's business
② Unauthorized transfer, pledge, trust, or other disposal of equity held by the company without approval from the board of directors (or shareholders' meeting)
③ Serious violation of company rules and regulations
④ Serious dereliction of duty, embezzlement, and causing significant damage to the company
⑤ Without the approval of the company's board of directors (or shareholders' meeting), engaging in self operation, joint venture with others, or operating business similar to or similar to the company's business for others
⑥ Those who are held criminally responsible in accordance with the law
⑦ According to the "Performance Appraisal Management Regulations", a total of three monthly assessments within the assessment year are considered as unqualified positions, or two consecutive monthly assessments are considered unqualified positions
⑧ Shareholders engage in other behaviors that seriously harm the interests and reputation of the company.
(2) Natural withdrawal
The withdrawal in this situation mainly refers to the natural withdrawal of shareholders from the company when a specific event occurs without subjective fault of the shareholders themselves. For example, both parties can agree that if a shareholder experiences one of the following situations, the company has the right to repurchase their equity at the original subscription price and no longer distribute their current year's dividends:
① Shareholders who have lost their ability to work
② Shareholders who die, are declared dead or missing
③ If a shareholder reaches the statutory retirement age or declares bankruptcy, the legal person or other organization as a shareholder is lawfully revoked of its business license, ordered to close down, or dissolved
⑤ If a shareholder is unable to perform the job position they are hired and refuses to comply with the company's work arrangements, and their shareholder qualification is cancelled with the approval of the company's board of directors
⑥ Due to force majeure or unexpected events, the labor contract cannot be continued to be fulfilled in law or in fact, or the fundamental purpose of the contract cannot be achieved
⑦ Termination of labor contracts not due to the fault of shareholders.
(3) Exit with a deadline
The withdrawal in this situation mainly refers to the shareholders' obligation to withdraw from the company as agreed upon upon upon upon the expiration of the agreed service period, provided that the shareholders themselves have no subjective fault. For example, both parties can agree that if a shareholder voluntarily resigns, voluntarily withdraws or retires after holding equity for more than 10 years, the company will repurchase the equity they hold, and the repurchase price will be based on the current price.
(4) Conditional exit
The withdrawal in this situation mainly refers to the shareholders' obligation to withdraw from the company in accordance with the agreement when the agreed conditions are met, provided that the shareholders themselves have no subjective fault. For example, after the company completes the A-round financing, shareholders propose to resign from the company, or after the company's sales reach 501 million years, resign from the company. When these conditions are met, the company shall handle the exit procedures together with the shareholders in accordance with the pre agreed exit method and conditions.
That's all for the relevant content on the applicable scenarios for equity withdrawal. I hope it can be helpful to you. For more information, please come to our website http://www.daoshangbao.com Consult and understand!
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