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公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心>>公司动态股权架构设计基本逻辑讲解


发布时间:2024-06-20 来源:http://www.daoshangbao.com/


Why is it necessary to layout the equity structure when establishing a company? According to the interview, if you want to actually control the company, you need at least 51% of the shares. Once the company grows and needs financing, if you have not designed your equity structure well, you cannot guarantee your actual control to the greatest extent possible. Even if you make significant concessions in the future, you can only raise up to 49% of the money. But if we can simply lay out the equity, we can achieve that with a group company controlling the business company, the group company can raise 49%, and the business company can also raise 49%. Not only can we raise twice the amount of money, but we can also ensure your actual control.

所以说,公司股权布局得好,即能帮你多融钱,还能少交税,甚至还可以规避很多风险。布 局得不好,股东矛盾大是第一个问题,二一个决策开好几次会都没个结果。三为点鸡毛蒜事吵架扯皮是常事,甚至一不注意公司还是别人的了。

So, if the company's equity layout is good, it can help you raise more money, pay less taxes, and even avoid many risks. The poor layout and significant shareholder conflicts are the first issues, and several meetings have failed to yield any results on the decision-making process. It's common to argue and argue over trivial matters, even if you don't pay attention to whether the company is still owned by someone else.


How to do the equity structure layout? What are the issues to consider? I advise you to remember the following core logic, especially the last point, even if you don't eat. There is no fixed optimal solution for the equity structure design of a company, after all, the actual situation of each company is different, and there are thousands of people and faces



1、 The actual control of the company. This is the most basic, don't design a set of equity distribution plans, and the last one to execute the company will be someone else's.


2、 Design a firewall. If the company goes bankrupt due to poor management, installing a firewall in the equity design can make the cost much smaller. For example, if your group company has a registered capital of 100000 yuan and you use a business company controlled by the group company for 1 million yuan, even if the business company goes bankrupt, you will only bear the cost of 100000 yuan for the group company.


3、 Tax planning. When starting a company, it is certain to deal with taxes. When making equity arrangements, try to layout according to the tax exemption and low tax policies provided by the country as much as possible.


4、 Employee equity incentives. Through equity incentives, not only can company employees devote themselves to the development of the company, but also attract more investors to invest resources in the company. Expanding and strengthening the company can achieve twice the result with half the effort.


So, a good equity layout should cover at least these four aspects, how to do it in practical operation? The simplest method is to refer to the equity structure of listed companies. I have collected equity structure templates from various industries and listed companies. If you need them, you can take them back for reference. You only need to adjust the quota of some equity ratios and you can use them. If you don't have them, you can come to me for them.

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